For 30 years We Listened and Provided Sound Advice

January 2024:
Happy New Year,
We’re no longer registered as a company.
“SOUND TECHNIQUES LIMITED (1784603) (NZBN: 9429034248942) NZ Limited Company
SOUND TECHNIQUES LIMITED has been removed from the companies register”
In December 2022 Sound Techniques closed due to ill health of the co-founder, owner and Managing Director, Stephen Buckland. He’s doing OK.
For 30 years Sound Techniques has been New Zealand’s best source of sales, rentals and support of portable sound recording equipment, including radio microphones, location mixers, microphones, portable digital recorders, and personal microphones.
We were the Auckland audio store New Zealand’s screen sound mixers, audio recording professionals, broadcasters, oral historians, videographers and podcasters trusted.
Sound Techniques was a success thanks to the support of staff, clients and suppliers;
Thanks to: Luke Ryan and Donna Kavanagh for overseeing the final sale and closing of the business plus Richard Thorne, Grant Cummuskey, Diana Byrami, Deb Frame and Pipi. Thank you.
We wouldn’t have achieved much without our previous employees including: Stella Buckland, Luke Ryan, Donna Kavanagh, Wendy Bornholdt, Sharon Eason, Nathan Macdonald, Gavin Ludlow, Paul Isaacs, Scott McNeill, Matt Livingstone, Diana Byrami, Isaac Lim, Paul Field, Louis Buckland, Des Attwell, Tim Riley, Angela McWatt, Kim Choe, Tim Clark, Suda Badrinarayanan. Many of you have kept in touch and we’ve watched your careers develop. Thank you too.
Thanks to our Suppliers especially Lectrosonics, Rycote, Sound Devices, Sanken Microphones, Countryman, Sennheiser NZ, Remote Audio
Thanks to all our Clients: We set up the business to support you and it’s been a pleasure dealing with each and every one of you.
Other notables: Brian Laing for servicing; Mike Westgate for introducing me to the craft of location sound recording and original business partner; Laywer,Stephen Dudding, Paxton Penman; Accountants, Martin Bailey, Paul McIndoe, Rhys Freeman, McGregor Bailey and Co; Jo McCrae for the original business plan. Of course, my wife, Virginia and daughters for your love and support.
What made us different?
Sound Techniques provided solutions for audio recording professionals. Our main focus was to support portable professional audio devices used by location sound mixers and we supplied leading brands of professional audio equipment. We knew professional audio equipment inside-out because we’d worked with it for most of our working lives.
Older versions of the website can be found here on Wayback Machine*/
Useful contacts:
Luke Ryan can be found here aboard the Tardus supporting your home audio and video requirements
Donna Kavanagh, is now Sales Manager Audio & Group Marketing Lead, Broadtech Ltd
Mb : +64 22 064 2134